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The ReferNet Germany information service "VET news international" provides twice a month an overview of publications and links to recent developments and initiatives.
An overview of vocational education and training initiatives and programmes in Germany in 2023, successful approaches and challenges from the perspective of European priority setting.
In times of societal transformation, the interplay between the labour market and VET faces major challenges. The new issue of BWP asks how vocational education and training can keep up with the pace of transformation and offer attractive development pathways.
The number of applications for recognition of foreign professional qualifications continues to rise. The Report on the Recognition Act 2023 (now available in English) provides information on current developments in Germany and addresses both achievements and challenges.
Using the information provided by ReferNet partners in the online tool Timeline of VET policies, Cedefop has compiled short country reports with a selection of VET policy measures implementing European priorities in 2020-22.
Exploring ways to increase the visibility of VET was a key topic at the 2024 ReferNet Partnership Forum mid-May in Zagreb. The meeting was organised alongside the WorldSkills Croatia competition so the participants experienced the positive dynamics and impact of such skills competitions on VET.
To mark the end of the European Year of Skills, Cedefop invites press and media to an online event on 31 May 2024 to highlight the importance of skills for Europe’s competitiveness and resilience. If you are interested, you can register by email.
On the occasion of Belgium's Presidency of the Council of the European Union, an up-to-date report on the Belgian VET system has been published by Cedefop with ReferNet. It focuses on the main features of the system as well as on challenges and policy measures.
This new online tool is a rich source of information on policies and initiatives in the field of VET and lifelong learning in the EU, Iceland and Norway. Cedefop has now published the data provided by ReferNet in 2023.
BIBB will again be a partner of Cedefop in the ReferNet network for the next 4 years. Following a successful application, the ReferNet team at BIBB will continue to report on VET policy developments in Germany and provide information on European initiatives.
An overview of vocational education and training initiatives and programmes in Germany in 2023, successful approaches and challenges from the perspective of European priority setting.
What skills and occupations are needed for the green transition? In this compilation by ReferNet Germany, projects forecasting future skills needs are briefly presented. They are an important basis for securing the qualification profiles needed in the future on the labour market.
This article presents the concept of dropping out of VET and the situation in Germany based on two indicators. Further, the focus is on the preventive measures in place to prevent drop-out as well as factors that can lead to early leaving from VET. The impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic conclude the report.
The Cedefop ReferNet database is the main source of information on VET systems in the EU, Iceland and Norway. It includes diagrammes, generates reports and allows comparing by country and theme. The 2021 update is now online.
How can professional development help in-company trainers and VET school teachers adapt to the new demands of digitalisation, diversity and environmental crisis, and acquire the necessary skills? This report focuses on Germany.
gives an overview of the vocational educational and training (VET) system in Germany: external factors influencing VET; providing VET in a lifelong learning perspective; shaping VET qualifications and promoting participation in VET.
describes the German VET system. It outlines the key features as well as the challenges and policy responses, e.g. an attractive VET for all and how to deal with the challenges of digitalisation and the commitment to sustainability.
focuses on the responsiveness of the German VET system to the challenges of digitalisation, AI and the future of work. What are the policy strategies and initiatives to modernise VET and how can digital technologies and media support learning practices?
presents enablers and disablers of international long-term mobility of apprentices, with regard to: German framework conditions (Chapter 1), the VET system (Chapter 2) as well as practical implementation (Chapter 3).
gives an overview of the vocational educational and training (VET) system in Germany: external factors influencing VET; providing VET in a lifelong learning perspective; shaping VET qualifications and promoting participation in VET.
presents and analyses the German results of Cedefop's European public opinion survey on VET in a comparative way. The article provides interpretations within the German context, using national surveys.